Are you tired of the same old 9-to-5? Wishing for a career that ignites your passion and makes you feel FULFILLED instead of counting down till the day ends? Well, buckle up because we’re about to cover everything you need to know to start taking ACTION towards your new career! And luckily, the first step (in my opinion!) is really rather fun…
Changing careers might seem like a daunting task. In fact it might seem so big and scary it almost seems impossible! So many of my clients come to coaching feeling nervous that they’ll never find a job they love. But when you know the steps to take, suddenly the path begins to feel a whole lot clearer, and we’re going to explore the first one today…
If you want to learn more about the entire career change process, you can read allll about it here (scroll to the bottom of the page and you’ll see each phase!) . But today, we’re going to start with the very first step to creating your fulfilling career:
Step 1. Get. Curious! (I like to call this the Self Discovery Phase!)
Before you start frantically scrolling through job posts, or panicking about that fact that you don’t know what to do (!!) you need to start discovering what it actually is you enjoy doing!…What you love, what gives you energy, what you feel passionate about, and what you’re drawn towards!
For many of us (and perhaps you too!) from a young age we get programmed to do what society tells us to do. We follow the path we “should” be on, make decisions based on what will “look good” or what other people tell us is the “right” or “sensible” thing to do….
And along the way, we often lose what it is we REALLY enjoy.
The result? A career you don’t enjoy….because it doesn’t overlap with any of your real passions, interests, values or goals in life!!
Because the path to a truly fulfilling and enjoyable career doesn’t lie in what other people or society thinks is “good”…it lies in what feels good to YOU… (Trust me, I know because I’ve tried the first option, and so have many of my clients…we can tell you, it doesn’t work!)
So before you start applying for a job you’ll feel just as unaligned in this time next year, do yourself a favor and take some time to explore what YOU ACTUALLY ENJOY and how you want to live!
This is step #1!

Okay…but how the heck do I do that???
Back in 2018 when I was very career lost and in general panic mode about the future, I sat down one day after work, grabbed my big notebook and some corful pens, and started brainstorm about what energized me.
This is where I encourage you to start too.
As you move throughout your day, notice the things you do that you’re excited to do, the things you enjoy doing so much you don’t want to stop! Starting keeping note of these things and build up a journal of what energizes now.
Then, keep following those energising things, and keep exploring things you’re interested in. For example, if you’re always been curious to try a dance class, try it!…even if you have no intention of being a professional dancer. The more you get connected to the things you love, the more you keep discovering about yourself. It’s a snowball effect, and as you keep going, you will keep discovering clues about the kind of career that will feel truly good and fulfilling to you!
Want to keep learning, keep an eye out for the next blog post or join the email crew to be the first to hear about new career fulfilment and empowerment tips!